What is Hypnosis and how it can help you?
Hypnosis is in no way a new practice. Hypnosis can be dated as far back as 1000 B.C., to stone carvings found in sleep temples, where high priests put their worshippers to “sleep,” and then gave them the “suggestion” that, while they slept, some god would come to them and they would be healed. Then the worshippers would actually be healed, just by the suggestion of the priests! Hypnosis techniques continued to be used throughout the next centuries. In the late 1700s, an Austrian physician by the name of Dr. Franz Anton became one of the most famous practitioners of hypnosis. In fact, modern hypnosis is believed to have begun with him. The term “hypnosis” was first introduced by Dr. James Braid. In the 1800s, Dr. Braid, along with two other physicians, performed many surgeries using only hypnosis for anesthesia. Hypnosis was used during both World War II and the Korean War in the treatment of battle fatigue for pain control. Today hypnosis is still used by doctors and dentists as an aid for pain control. Hypnosis is not a new practice, although hypnosis is still a highly misunderstood practice. The most common misconception about hypnosis is that people believe it will put them into a sleep-like trance, taking away their control. The controversy surrounding hypnosis comes largely from religious circles, who believe that by giving up your control during hypnosis, such as allowing yourself to be put into a sleep-like trance, you are allowing the devil to take control. Some religions even outright claim hypnosis to be the work of the devil. Although the word hypnosis itself comes from the Greek word hypnosis, which means sleep, hypnosis itself is not a state of sleep. Hypnosis is actually an altered state of consciousness in which a person is guided by suggestions. Hypnosis occurs during the alpha state of brain activity, which is when our brain activity slows and in which we experience deep relaxation, producing hypnosis. When hypnotized, you are not unconscious, but within an altered state of consciousness—in other words, you are not out of control. We hypnotize ourselves every day, moving in and out of altered states of consciousness, without even thinking about it. Like when you catch yourself daydreaming. Or when you doze off before actually going into a deep-deep sleep. When hypnotized, you are in an altered state of consciousness, and your subconscious mind is in charge. Your conscious mind is still there and you are still in control, but if you are willing, you can receive suggestions that will help you. All hypnosis is actually self-hypnosis. The only way you can be hypnotized is if you are willing to be. What makes these hypnosis and meditation downloads work for a person's inner healing is they are based on Christian hypnosis and meditations. If you are a Christian searching for self-help hypnosis and meditation downloads, these are the ones for you.